Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer Update

Greetings! The ACE project continues unabated with progress every month!

Now that all the snow is melted and the trees are alive again, we've been doing more clearing and planning.

For now, the West Hempfield properties are waiting for the cutting crew to clear the last quarter acre of land in preparation for tilling. The brush came up pretty high this spring and we're still dealing with a heavy poison ivy problem, but we should be in a much better position come fall.

For now, we're concentrating on the propagation efforts at the nursery in Millersville. To date, we've planted several heirloom varieties of raspberry, with intentions of wine berry experimentation this fall. We've also started about 100 Seaberry plants in the hope of local propagation.

This fall, our main goal is to chip bud Tayton Squash perry pears. Stay tuned for more updates and Picasa pictures archives.

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